Alderman rescinds resignation
Teague Alderman Marie Hertenberger, who resigned from City Council yesterday (Wednesday, Sept. 11), has reascended her decision.
Teague Alderman Marie Hertenberger, who resigned from City Council yesterday (Wednesday, Sept. 11), has reascended her decision.
In a surprise move at Teague City Hall on Wednesday morning, Marie Hertenberger resigned from her position as city alderman.
The city of Teague soon may have a new budget in place, despite no action being taken by the aldermen at the special-called meeting Monday night, Sept. 9. City administrator
On behalf of all residents from the youngest to the oldest in Teague and the area, The Teague Chronicle proudly salutes Sgt. Maj. James Gregory Ryan Sartor one last time,
President Donald Trump paid tribute last week to the memory of Sgt. Major James “Ryan” Sartor, of Teague. Terri Pryor, Sartor’s mother, received a letter Aug. 28 from Trump’s office,
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Teague, Texas 75860
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