The Teague Farmers
The Teague Farmers Market was held on Saturday, November 21 in downtown Teague. The event was moved to Saturday due to inclement weather on Sunday. There will be one more farmers market before Christmas. Photo by Mitchell Pate
The Teague Farmers Market was held on Saturday, November 21 in downtown Teague. The event was moved to Saturday due to inclement weather on Sunday. There will be one more farmers market before Christmas. Photo by Mitchell Pate
Tis the season of giving… Christmas is quickly approaching which means the Teague Christmas Angel Tree program is in full swing.
Texas Republican Party President and former U.S. Rep. Allen West spoke Thursday evening, Nov. 12, at a meeting of the Limestone County Republican Women, telling them his priorities for the upcoming Texas Legislative session.
Mayor James Monks, Aldermen Place 1 Jerry Ballew and Alderman Place 3 Marilyn Michaud took their oaths of office at the beginning of the City of Teague board of aldermen meeting on Monday evening, November 16, after approving Resolution 2020-11-16 canvassing returns and declaring results of the general election.
Sanoma Adkins was hired by the City of Teague to be an Administrative Assistant/Police Secretary/Deputy Court Clerk on Monday evening at the board of aldermen meeting.
319 Main Street • P.O. Box 631
Teague, Texas 75860
Office: (254) 739-2141
Fax: (254) 739-2144