
Letter to the Editor

If you have ever seen an activity, watched it up closely, and plainly observed it, but think it to be impossible, you know how I feel regarding doctrinaire progressive liberals who continue to print patently idiotic verbiage, and present it as fact: [see communists, scientologists, flat-earth advocates, real atheists, ultra-leftist “woke” idiots, et al]. Included of course, must be local area self-anointed visionaries who presume to offer political science lessons that anyone who’s mastered Jr. High School civics instantly recognize as false, disinformation, etc. – the repeated hallmark remains very high fog content: lots of chaff, not much wheat.

Early voting ends Friday

Early voting in the March 5 primary election ends Friday with a host of candidates on the ballot in both parties, including president, U.S. Senate, all 38 Texas U.S. representatives, all 150 Texas House representatives, and down to local races for district attorney, sheriff and other positions.


The Teague Chronicle

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Teague, Texas 75860
Office: (254) 739-2141
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