Christmas in the Park
THE PHOTOGRAPHER’S SKILLS AND EQUIPMENT don’t do justice in the fog, so you’ll just have to see for yourself how wonderfully Teague City park is ablaze for Christmas. And, you’ll have your chance!
THE PHOTOGRAPHER’S SKILLS AND EQUIPMENT don’t do justice in the fog, so you’ll just have to see for yourself how wonderfully Teague City park is ablaze for Christmas. And, you’ll have your chance!
Christmas break didn’t start out very well for the Ferrell family. They lost almost everything in a fi re Monday morning, Dec.
Did you get to see “Shrek the Musical” this weekend... I mean DID YOU GET TO SEE SHREK THE MUSICAL THIS WEEKEND!!! Wow, I was blown away! What a great production these kids put on!
Texas Farm Bureau recently named Haylee Young the winner of the Texas Farm Bureau’s 2017 Free Enterprise Speech Contest at the organization’s 84th annual meeting in Frisco.
FAR LEFT, SANTA RIDES a firetruck through the annual Parade of Lights in Teague on Thursday night, Dec. 7.
319 Main Street • P.O. Box 631
Teague, Texas 75860
Office: (254) 739-2141
Fax: (254) 739-2144