Teague PD officer Keale doesn’t miss the big city
Teague Police Department Officer David Keale came to work in Teague two years ago.
Teague Police Department Officer David Keale came to work in Teague two years ago.
ABOVE, TEAGUE LION FANS have plenty to cheer about during their team’s bi-district victory over the Yoe Yoemen on Thursday night, Nov. 16, at Robinson Rockets Field.
The Chronicle asked some children from the 1st and 2nd grades at Teague Elementary School what they are thankful for this Thanksgiving. The children were surprisingly mature in their answers.
TEAGUE RESIDENT AND WORLD War II Veteran, W.H. “Billy” McSpadden, 96, (pictured top, right) attended the annual Veteran’s Day program Saturday, Nov. 11, at Veterans Remembrance Park in Teague.
Special to The Chronicle
A jury found James Minefee not-guilty Thursday, Nov. 9, of two counts of indecency with a child.
319 Main Street • P.O. Box 631
Teague, Texas 75860
Office: (254) 739-2141
Fax: (254) 739-2144