Teague sees 22 percent increase in year to date sales tax revenue

Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar announced today he will send cities, counties, transit systems and special purpose taxing districts $953.9 million in local sales tax allocations for February, 4.6 percent more than in February 2018.

These allocations are based on sales made in December by businesses that report tax monthly; October, November and December sales by quarterly filers; and 2018 sales by businesses that report tax annually.

The cities reporting an increase in revenue for Freestone County are Fairfield with a 3.51 percent change and Teague with a 22.02 percent change. Wortham sees a decrease for the first time this year with a 33.46 percent change. Teague shows a consistent increase year to date with a 24.39 percent increase.

All cities in Limestone County are showing increases in sales tax revenue with



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The Teague Chronicle

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Teague, Texas 75860
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