Senior Center News
Good to see Charlene Robison drop by for lunch and visit with us last Wednesday. She is always so pleasant and always willing to help out. What an awesome surprise, Ms. Pat Pryor came to the Center for lunch Tuesday and Thursday. Thanks to Theresa Wassernan for bringing her down, especially on bingo day. It was so good to see Marilyn Kerly (Deaney) back at lunch. We are pleased to say that Joyce Teer continues to recover at home. We all miss her and Ms. Pryor dearly. We had another special surprise on Wednesday, one of our very dedicated drivers for Meals on Wheels brought along one of her grandsons, Chase Cox, he was a very delightful young man and did a super job!
Thanks to David Root and Verna Bozeman for the beautiful and very delicious cake. He is so thoughtful and Verna loves to bring special desserts as much as she enjoys helping me. We enjoyed warm weather and thankful for the breeze but my goodness, the bottom fell out Sunday. Wow, the rains came down and the floods came up. In case you didn’t notice, that was a song from my daycare/preschool days.
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